Lab Scheduler

LabSys has a lab scheduler feature now Let’s you drag and drop requests Highlights requests that are behind schedule Shows % Complete See this video for more information
AHR 2025 Expo

Scott will be at AHR 2025 Expo. Email or Text him if you want to meet up If you don’t have his contact info, fill out a form on the web page
New LabSys Video released

Here’s a new LabSys Video! It shows some of the new features of LabSys
Lab Automation
RTS provides automation tools to increase efficiency and throughput Smart test scripts that start when stability is reached and stop when desired data has been collected Test chaining which allows for multiple tests to be run with different setpoints and for different test standards Automated calibration to reduce downtime for calibration Automatic test reports to […]
Code Testers
Our code testers are designed to be functional, reliable and automatic
Lab Management
LabSys has been developed over the last 10 years to make the job of a engineering lab manager easier by: Giving visibility to work requests to the lab and % completion Scheduling tools Making test data ‘clickable’ on a web page to get reports Tracking Calibration and unit inventory
Unit Tracking
LabSys provides test unit identification and tracking so you know: Who purchased the product What has been done to the product The current location
Lab Management Software
LabSys is our Lab Management software suite LabSys will help you: Get the most out of your test chamber investment Increase communication between engineers and technicians Understand how your lab is running with metrics reports Mange calibration and inventory Create a searchable database for knowledge management Help you manage project schedules
Environmental Chambers
H&A creates environmental chambers from single stall refrigerator test rooms to 100 ton psychrometric test chambers. We can go from -30 to over 120 degrees F with precise humidity and temperature control